All posts by Nate

Nate is the Techie / Barbecue-y half of the House of Annie team. Born in Hawaii, his favorite hobby is surfing...WEB surfing that is. Visit my Google+ Profile

Five Quick Asian Dishes: Steamed Shiitake Mushrooms with Bok Choy and Fatt Choy

Last of our five-part series on quick Asian dishes.

Today is 08-08-08, a very auspicious number to the Chinese. It’s also Jaden’s birthday today (what a lucky gal!), so I’m posting a very special, yet quick, Chinese dish in her honor.

Steamed Shiitake Mushrooms with Bok Choy and Fatt Choy

steamed shiitake mushrooms with bok choy and fatt choy

Continue reading Five Quick Asian Dishes: Steamed Shiitake Mushrooms with Bok Choy and Fatt Choy

Five Quick Asian Dishes: Stir-Fried Beef with Ginger and Egg

Part 4 of our 5-part series on Quick Asian dishes (inspired by Jaden’s 15 Minute Asian Light Meals contest) swings back into Chinese territory after taking a detour through India with our “Mustard Potatoes” post.

Annie is really getting fired up about making Asian dishes that don’t take a lot of prep time, cooking time, or ingredients. “Stir-fried Beef with Ginger and Egg” fits the bill to a T. Here is everything you need for this dish:

Eggs, green onions, beef, ginger

egg scallions beef ginger mise

Continue reading Five Quick Asian Dishes: Stir-Fried Beef with Ginger and Egg