Category Archives: Recipes

Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Digital Kitchen Scale

digital kitchen scale

Recently, someone asked me why I post so many of my recipes in Metric measures (you know who you are!) instead of cups and Imperial measures. I said, "Well, I’m from Malaysia and we measured all our cooking and baking in grams." To which she responded, "You’re in the US now, so get with it!" Ok, well, there are other reasons I do so.

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In Memoriam: Ryosuke Yoshioka, the Sushi Man of San Francisco

Welcome to our memorial page for Ryosuke Yoshioka, the Sushi Man of San Francisco. If you have an anecdote, story, or remembrance of Ryo, feel free to leave a comment and share it with us!

Ryosuke Yoshioka, Chef-Owner of Sushi-Man Restaurant in San Francisco

Ryosuke Yoshioka (1950 - 2009), Chef-Owner of Sushi-Man Restaurant in San Francisco

I was chatting with a friend the other day when she asked me if I had heard that the owner of Sushi-Man Restaurant in San Francisco was stabbed to death. No, I hadn’t. I quickly searched Google and found the article on the San Francisco Chronicle’s website about the killing. Needless to say, I was shocked, dismayed, and downright sad to hear the news.

Continue reading In Memoriam: Ryosuke Yoshioka, the Sushi Man of San Francisco