Category Archives: Recipes

Five Quick Asian Dishes: “1-4-7” Steamed Eggs

Jaden over at Steamy Kitchen is asking for Asian-inspired recipes that can be prepared in 15 minutes or less. This has inspired me to do a weeklong series of quick Asian dishes that you can easily prepare, just in time for the Beijing Olympics. The impetus being, the faster you can get dinner on the table, the faster you can get back to watching all the Olympic action!

This dish is extremely simple to make. It is basically only two ingredients: 4 eggs and 1 can chicken broth (not low sodium):

1-4-7 steamed eggs ingredients

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Letting the NORCATT Out of the Bag

“Sungold Girl”

A couple weeks ago, we announced that there will be a free tomato tasting event in Northern California NORCATT 2008 on Sunday, August 10. Brad Gates of Wild Boar Farms is hosting this event on his farm in Suisun Valley, Solano County.

Brad cultivates some of the most beautiful and tasty tomatoes you’ve ever laid eyes on, with names such as “Beauty King”, “Berkeley Tie Dye”, “Pink Boar” and “Pork Chop”. He supplies these tomatoes to such noted restaurants as Chez Panisse and Brix. And now you have a chance to taste these amazing tomatoes for free!

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Evolution of Dinner: Grilled Halibut

My previous post was about how the grilled pork tenderloin and nectarine-red onion chutney evolved over the course of the day. I started with the flavor profile I wanted first (Spanish, with lots of paprika) and moved to the ingredient list and finally cooking.

Annie had left me a couple of fillets of halibut that she wanted me to grill up after the pork was done. I wanted to continue with the Spanish flavor theme, so I did a lot of searching on Food Blog Search for “grilled halibut paprika”. For the life of me, I can’t remember which food blog post was the main inspiration for the recipe that eventually evolved. So I’ll say that I developed this recipe myself, and if any food bloggers out there recognize it as something they published, I will gladly give you the credit.
Continue reading Evolution of Dinner: Grilled Halibut