Category Archives: Recipes

World’s Best Lasagna

When you’re drowning in a crimson tide of homegrown, heirloom tomatoes like this:

One of the myriad things you can do with them is make sauce. The good thing about sauce is, you can freeze it for later. We usually keep them in quart-sized freezer bags and pull them out as needed.

To make the sauce, we boiled down 15 lbs of heirloom tomatoes plus chunks of bell peppers, diced onions, sugar and salt until the sauce was reduced by half. I buzzed it with the hand blender until smooth. This was the most amazing tomato sauce ever – so sweet and savory at the same time!

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Strawberry and Tomato Salad with Maple Syrup

Annie is mad about tomatoes. The tomato bug bit her several years back, and each year we have grown more and more tomato plants in our backyard. She got into growing heirloom tomatoes, ones which have been around for a long time and are now becoming popular again. She trades seeds with other enthusiasts and even starts her own plants from seed in the middle of Winter!

During the Summer, we are literally swimming in a crimson tide of tomatoes.

Cherry tomato plants, especially, are some of the best producers in our garden. The challenge then is to figure out how to use all these ‘maters before they go bad. Needless to say, most of the dishes that Annie makes that call for tomatoes use fruits grown right in our own backyard.

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