Five Quick Asian Dishes: Mustard Potatoes

Arvinds secret spice mix

Now, on with the Quick Asian Dish of the day, Mustard Potatoes. This dish is part of a weeklong series that I’m doing in honor of Steamy Kitchen Jaden’s birthday. She’s looking for recipes that take 15 minutes or less to prepare.

This dish was taught to us by friends of ours who invited us to their place for dinner. They are vegans from India, and they prepare dishes that are simply delicious. The food is so good, you can’t stop eating.

Mustard Potatoes

1 lb potatoes, diced
1 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 tsp whole mustard seed
1 tsp whole cumin seed
1 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp salt


  1. Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium heat.
  2. Add the mustard seed and the cumin seed and toast in the oil until they begin to pop.
  3. Add the diced potatoes, turmeric powder, and salt. Stir gently to coat the potatoes.

    Mustard Potatoes Frying

    mustard potatoes frying

    The salt causes the potatoes to being releasing water.

  4. Cover the pan and let the potatoes steam-fry until they are browned on the outside yet tender on the inside (about 10 minutes).

Here is the finished product:

Mustard Potatoes Done

mustard potatoes done

This dish is so tasty, it is absolutely irresistible!

Aloha, Nate

Five Quick Asian Dishes Series:

“1-4-7” Steamed Eggs
Two Tofus, Two Ways
Mustard Potatoes
Stir-Fried Beef with Ginger and Egg
Steamed Shiitake Mushrooms with Bok Choy and Fatt Choy

2 thoughts on “Five Quick Asian Dishes: Mustard Potatoes”

  1. >i love, love, love mustard, and i think this is one of the most fabulous potato dishes i’ve ever come across! it’s beautiful and healthy and sure to be delicious. nicely done!

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