You’re liable to get fat, if you eat too many of these delicious buns.

Besides Kampua Mee, Sibu is known for another favorite Foochow food: Kompia buns. These crusty baked buns are dense like a bagel but not as chewy. They come either plain or baked with sesame seeds. Kompia are made simply with wheat flour, water, salt and a little baking soda, yet they are simply addictive!
Continue reading Kompia @ Fatt Bakery, Sibu →
The quintessential dish of Sibu, Kampua Mee, done to perfection.

Sibu is a FooChow / Fuzhou town, meaning most of its Chinese population speaks that dialect. There are many dishes associated with FooChow cuisine, but above all, the simple, dry-noodle dish called Kampua Mee is the most famous. Our host and good friend Mike took us around to his favorite haunts in his hometown of Sibu, including his favorite Kampua Mee stall at Liang Yew Cafe, located just across the street from the Masland Methodist Church and not far away from the Sibu Central Market.
Continue reading Kampua Mee @ Liang Yew Cafe, Sibu →
We visit the largest covered market in Sarawak, if not all of Malaysia

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